The Shine Project is designed to maximise individual development across physical, sensory and social & emotional outcomes.
The project is delivered in 1-2-1 sessions within a tailored programme to meet individual targets and needs.
We deliver the Shine Project both at pupils homes, or within their school setting. Both of these are subject to consent forms completed by the parents.
We cover a variety of activities and give added support for sensory, social and emotional outcomes by using unique and creative delivery methods and resources.
The goals and targets are discussed through a group of people around the child, such as Parents, SENDCo, social workers, and with use of EHCP plans too.
Plans could be around working well with adults, gaining eye contact with peers, being able to discuss how they are feeling, being able to complete certain physical movements, or using different textures and feelings of sports equipment.
Sometimes the outcomes can include just having some personalised time with a dedicated adult to focus on them with some activities.
Our Shine Project also has a Performance Series, which is a bespoke performance based physical programme which inputs technical detail within a specific sport.