Our P.E Mentoring Programme is in place to work with teachers and teaching assistants on how to deliver effective Physical Education in their school.
We know that a lot of class teachers lack confidence or time to focus on PE, we can help!
With all lead staff qualified tutors we work one to one with school staff during PE lessons, to guide and help them build confidence in the lessons they are providing to their pupils.
Your staff will shadow our mentors for a number of weeks learning the fundamentals of delivering PE, including delivery methods, observation skills, differentiation within lessons and technical detail.
Following the shadowing process they will begin to lead PE lessons whilst under the supervision of our mentors.
The on the job learning is an excellent way to up-skill your staff and still provide a high standard of PE for your pupils.
The mentors will visit each mentee twice each half term. Totalling 12 visits per year. Mentees will also have constant access to their mentee via phone calls, emails or meetings to catch up. They will also be provided with a Mentor Workbook which give excellent detailed information to support the work the mentor will do, as well as tasks for the mentee to complete.